Sunday, January 20, 2013

Single And No One To Mingle?

Last year, before I turned thirty, most of my friends who had already crossed over the big 3-O (especially the single ones) consoled me with the statement – ‘Thirties are the new twenties’

Its true in a way. We’ve never looked better, we are financially independent, we are over being naïve, the wrinkles aren’t obvious yet and probably it will take a few years before it goes downhill in that department.

The eighties kid, who grew up listening to Bob Dylan and Backstreet Boys together, bleached their hair and wore ‘tight’ jeans with short tube tops to make a statement. That eighties kid has a lot to celebrate.

A year down the thirties road, I can’t help but wonder, if its true, is thirty really the new twenty? And is that the reason so many of us, the thirty something’s are still lost in the dilemma of love?

Sitting with a bunch of single thirty something’s over lunch the other day, the conversation flows easily, amazing weather, unfulfilling jobs, vacation spots and then the dreaded topic - relationships. Men can’t find women and the women complain there aren’t any single, good looking, respectable, decent men left in the city.

These are the eighties kids, confident and worldly, evolved from long overnight conversations on the landline and handmade cards to BBM texts, facebook relationship updates and high flying corporate jobs.

I come back from lunch with this thought knocking on my head - How come so many of us, men and women, thirty something’s are still single when we had amazing relationships in our twenties?

Have we turned non-compromising? Are we stuck with our beliefs of ideal relationships and aren’t willing to settle for anything less or are there really no men/women left in the world. 

While I still believe in the magic of love and have the kind of heart that keeps pumping and healing it self time and time again, I can’t help but wonder, how come when love finally becomes a support to a complete life and not a destination for a validation of a complete life, it becomes so hard to find?


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